Letter To Don Davies, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Kingsway

Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dear Don:

Time passes so quickly. We had intended to write you earlier congratulating you on your decisive win in the General Election just past. We write you now not only to offer those hearty congratulations but also to share with you our profound sadness on the untimely death of a true Canadian, Jack Layton.

If it is any consolation, if we are able to find a spark of light in human tragedy and sorrow, it is the simple fact that upon the announcement of his death political rancour and entrenched thought disappeared, the swords of political partisanship were sheathed and left at the door as Canadians from all callings and opinions entered into a nationwide collective cathedral of reflection and tribute for a man who wore the red and white colours of the Canadian spirit proudly and with such overwhelming passion. An inspiration to every Canadian. An inspiration to all.

“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.”

Those words will be recited over and over and over. They will be a legacy of his service to our country and the measure of the man himself. Those words will be a beacon for all as we venture forth in life. Those words: what an epitaph!

God speed. Vive le Canada!

Meilleurs voeux toujours

Jack & Christine



Oh Canada! Our home and native land

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